Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hello, Blog World!

After much deliberation, I have decided to start this blog. The idea of having a personal blog both petrifies me and excites me. Petrify? Yes, petrify. Although the word is seemingly strong, my fear of having people read and dissect what I say has stopped me from blogging thus far. Now, I am probably getting ahead of myself here because I doubt that I have any readers, but that has been my concern. Furthermore, I am both a perfectionist and an English teacher, so the idea of fine tuning my words for others is daunting. My fears about blogging have kept me from writing: What if I make a grammar error? What if I don’t catch a typo? What if my words are misunderstood? What if I fail to have an intriguing voice? My hesitations have been many.

I haven’t written for fun in quite some time; I dabbled in Xanga in college, but that was mainly a way to have David learn more about me when we first started dating. I must admit that it was a bit hokey and I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that now, but it accomplished its purpose. I feel confident in my abilities to write a literary or rhetorical analysis, but personal writing is an area in which I do not feel completely comfortable.

Yet, I can no longer resist the appeal of blogging. I love the idea of sharing my ideas and perspectives with others. As a teacher, I was able to find an outlet for my thoughts in my students, but that chapter of my life has come to a close. Blogging has presented itself as a fun way for me to express myself. I also love the freedom of blogging. I can sit down and write about any idea at any time--whatever suits my fancy!

So, farewell to writing anxieties and simply creeping on other people’s blogs, and hello to overcoming fears and taking an active part in blogdom!


  1. Welcome to the blog world! I'm so excited to read whatever you write :)

  2. I'm glad to see you finally decided to blog. I'll be looking forward to reading what you write about and I promise I won't tell you if I see any typos (I'm sure there won't be any)! I love the flowers!

  3. Hey Rebekkah! I'm Carrie's friend and I'm so excited you FINALLY started a blog. I've asked Carrie several times "So, why doesn't your friend Rebekkah have a blog?". Like anyone and everyone should have one, ha!

    I'm sure if you read my blog at all it's really painful because they thing is probably riddled with millions of typos!

    Anyone, I can't wait to read more!

  4. Thanks guys! I am glad to hear such sweet comments.

    Sarah Denley, I am so glad to "meet" you...haha. I love reading your blog! Don't worry; when I read other people's blogs, I do not look for typos, and I have definitely never noticed any on your blog!
